Associazione Raffaele Ajello
Storia Società e Diritto
T.C. 96043260635
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The book, Il preilluminismo giuridico, has been published by Jovene, Naples, 2023, ISBN […]
Online seminars Discussing the Scholars
On November 16, 2023, h. 18:00, there will be the second online seminar of the series ‘Discussing the Scholars’ of the History of Law. [...]
Online seminars Discussing the Scholars
On October 13, 2023, h. 18:00, there will be the second online seminar of the series ‘Discussing the Scholars’ of the History of Law. [...]
Is available online the e-book of Dario Luongo, Al tramonto della respublica dei togati. Dibattiti giuspolitici [...]
Online seminars Discussing the Scholars
On June 6, 2023 begins a series of online seminars ‘Discussing the Scholars’ of the History of Law […]
Databases online
The 50 volumes of the Enciclopedia Giuridica Italiana can be consulted online in the Databases section. Access is reserved for members after logging in.
Scholarship winner
Winner of the "Raffaele Ajello" scholarship, with the compliments of the Assembly, is Dr. Pierluigi Canoro
Shareholders' Meeting
The annual shareholders' meeting will be held on 21 December at 4.30 pm at the Banco di Napoli Foundation, in [...]
Call for applications
Call for applications for the awarding of a scholarship. The “Raffaele Ajello – Storia Società e Diritto” Association announces the competition [...]
The book, Il problema della riforma giudiziaria e legislativa nel regno di Napoli durante la prima metà del secolo XVIII, has been published by Jovene, Naples, 2022, ISBN 978-88-243-2766-4.